Word of the Day - BONDAGE

It may seem crazy to choose to live in bondage. Nevertheless, so many people willingly find comfort and refuge in their bondage of choice. Bondage can fool you into believing all is well. That’s right! People with financial fluidity find themselves on the slippery slope of greed. Others are bound to their success for fear of failure. They often celebrate alone as they have pushed everyone away in their pursuit. Still others sit in the bondage of self pity and self sabotage. They refuse to leave unhealthy relationships to include those associated with family. Let’s discontinue the facade that everything is okay. It is okay to not be okay! 

Neither is enough to simply celebrate the lives and work of those who took the lead against bondage of every kind. No! We must stand strong in the thresholds to keep wide open the access to freedom and salvation. Let us not be wooed into ignorance by those who make bondage attractive.  So often we miss out on what is best for us because of the bondage that society has claimed to be good. Humanity’s thoughts and ways are not the same as God’s. If we do not seek God first, then we remain in intellectual bondage. People perish for the lack of knowledge. Knowledge is gained not only from hearing the word of God but acting on what you have heard in order to break the bondage that holds you back from God’s best. If and when you know better, you are expected to do better. 

Jesus did not come to condemn humanity. But, through Jesus, we are freed from every kind of bondage. Bondage is anything that prevents you from: freely loving God with all your heart, loving others in the same way we love ourselves and experiencing that same love in return. This command to love is no easy feat. Only because God loves us first can we accept and then give what was so graciously and generously given to us. The prisons and chains of bondage prevent all of humanity from accessing, living and experiencing a free and abundant life according to the will of God through Christ Jesus. Step out of your prisons - run! Shake off your chains - vigorously! Who the Son sets free is free indeed! Start living free! The word of the day is "BONDAGE".


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