The Power Within

You’d be surprised how many spiritual revelations I have while working out.  This happened the other day when the trainer said, “The greater the power we have, the less energy we have to exert”.  Now, while I’m a learner I admittedly know little in the realm of science.  But, because I’m a learner and we live in the age of the all-knowing Google, I looked it up.  Sure enough - energy is the ability to create change; power is the rate at which energy is used.  So the greater the power, the less energy exerted.  Some of you might be wondering what this has to do with spiritual matters and you’re in luck because I’m going to tell you!

Living a life without the power of God working in and through you is exhausting in a variety of ways.  We go through life day after day trying by our own energy to make things happen, consistently striving, only to be worn out and repeatedly discouraged. Acts 1:8 reminds us that through our belief in Jesus we received power as the Holy Spirit took up residence within us. However, not all of us allow the Holy Spirit to operate with the proverbial door wide open.  We can often either intentionally or not, put a door stop down, leaving the opening to be operating at less than its full potential.  What happens then is that because we are not allowing the Holy Spirit access to all spaces and places it is up to us as humans to exert our energy which has less power because the rate is slower - we have limited capacity in our physical bodies.  The Holy Spirit is the power that produced Jesus in the womb and the power that brought Jesus out of the tomb!!  It is the power that brings life and light for and to us all!  Our lives are exhausting when they are lived out of the power of ourselves - our willpower.  This is the life that Jesus came to save us from.  He came to bring His power to us so that we don’t have to be stuck in an endless cycle of defeat but a continuous experience of victory!  

Are you tired of being tired?  The power to bring life literally or metaphorically into this world has always been sourced in the Spirit of God.  Do not be discouraged! This power is within you! Open the door wide and see the power of the Holy Spirit that brings relief and freedom.

- Katie Rivera


Reading About Rollercoasters

